Friday, February 19, 2021

She's here!

 Hi Everyone!

First thing I want to share is that "she" is here!!!  I say she because she's much too beautiful to be a "he".

Feast your eyes on this beauty!

She fits so well into my sewing table!!  I am totally in love!!  I can't tell you how nice it is to just sit down and more spending hours on the computer doing troubleshooting!  I can change the bobbin any time I want and she just continues to sew! OK...I'll try to contain myself.

Just like most everyone around the country....we got snow.  The great thing about snow in Washington is that it doesn't stay around too long.  It was beautiful for a few days and then it started to melt away.

The puppies weren't to sure about all this white stuff.  I had to get a shovel out and make paths so they could investigate.

I finally finished a wool project that has been languishing for years!  I made myself finish it before this winter was here it is finished and it's now hanging in the livingroom!   So glad this is done!

This next photo is sort of funny...Jim and I bought this a few months ago for some small things I needed cut.  Now I have a large saw that Jim bought me for the She Shed, but it scares this one is just my size.  Don't really works.  I used it today to cut some lengths of 1" board to add the the ramp we have in the bedroom...the ramp isn't for's for the wienies.  But whatever was used for the padding has become slick, so the pups don't like using it anymore.  So I thought I would put wood across it in several places to give them traction.  I didn't take a photo of the ramp...but here's my cute saw.

Today I started working on the March table rug for my dough bowl.  I decided to rug hook it.  I used a heart template I made for some stuffed hearts and turned it into shamrocks.  My background fabric is sort of sad because I've run out of it and am scavenging from other unfinished projects!  But it will work for this.

I found this green wool in my stash...and I really like the color.  Now, you are suppose to color plan rugs...layout all the wool and decide what you want for all the areas....that's what you're suppose to do...I don't do that.  I know I want the background I hope I find some that works!

Now for Throwback Thursday...I'm going to have to call it something else because it's never on a Thursday!

1955 - Sisters...from left...Linda, Cindy, Mary and Susan.

1956 - This was taken in our yard on Clare Ave.
From left Susie Husband, Cindy, Mary and Carmen Fraley.
Susie was the daughter of our parents friends...I still remember
when they would come to visit...I liked Susie.
Carmen lived across the street from us, she had a bad home life
and Mom and Dad thought about fostering her.
I don't remember what happened with it, 
but she did stay with us for awhile.
I wish I knew what happened to her.

April 1959 - Cindy and I in our Easter best!
Cindy...I see young Katie in this photo!!

How can these be 60+ years ago...I remember wearing these outfits and I loved the hat!

That's it my darlings...time to get to my couch to do some stitching!!

Wednesday, February 3, 2021

Oops! It's been a while!

 And I have a very good reason for that.  Absolutely nothing is going on.  We don't go anywhere or do anything...this whole pandemic thing is really a win, win for me!!  Being a cave-dweller and all!!

We did get a big surprise this last weekend tho, so I thought I'd come on here and tell you about it.

I got this photo on Friday...

I called Laura immediately and she said they were on their way here!!  They were going to surprise us but didn't want to risk a heart attack! 

Papa and I got to spend a lot of quality time with my fellow cave-dweller...Hannah!  We saw the rest of the crew off and on...they had a wedding to attend while here.

Hannah and I were going to  make journals together, but time sort of ran we said we'd do it next time.

It was really great to see all of them!!

So I've been doing some cross stitching and sewing.  I want to have a different "rug" for under the bowl for every month and cute things to put in the bowl.

Here is (was) my January Dough Bowl.

The January one is now put away and February is out.

I need to work on March because I haven't a green "rug" and no shamrocky things.

I have also been questing...of course.  Dredmama looks a little different these days and she's tough as nails!!!  Look out all you baddies!!

In other news...   

Jim stopped to check on our furniture and he was told it will be here March 27...we ordered it in the middle of October!!  Geesh!!

Also, I'm scheduled for my first Covid vaccine this Friday, February 5th.  Can't wait!!  Jim couldn't get in.  He had to get a letter from the GP because he has allergies, so he called and she said he can pick it up later that day, but in just the time it took to talk to her, all the appointments were gone.

Since I've missed a couple of Throwback Thursdays, I thought I'd put a few pictures up this time.

First is my Dad's father and mother's wedding photo, Henry & Edith Shield.  They were first cousins, their fathers were brothers and it had absolutely no effect on later matter what you may think!! 😊

Next is a photo of Angeline Shield (she is Henry's "from above photo" sister), Dad (Fred Shield)  my oldest sister Sharon Forsmann and her oldest child, Dean Forsmann.  Sad to say that they are all gone now...makes me choke up a bit.  I miss them all.

The last one is Dad...looking young and dapper.

Well, that's all the news...old and darlings.  I hope you are all keeping well and staying safe.  Love to all of you!!

Tuesday, January 12, 2021

It's been a great new year...well, the first five days anyway.  Geesh!

So what's been going on around here...

First thing is, I spent a whole lot of money...sorry kids, had to dip into the inheritance!  
I've been fighting with my sewing machine for many months now.  I was scared to change the bobbin because when I did, the machine wouldn't work because the bobbin case wouldn't go back into the machine.  It just spun and spun!!  And it's so computerized that you can't do anything manually.  Now last year, we took it in for service and had to replace the whole bobbin unit...not cheap!!  It worked like a dream for a few months...then...the bobbin went again.  Now, I could just take it back and have them redo the repair because it's under warranty, but I'm just done...I'm tired of fighting with it every time I want to sew.  Plus, I've had this machine for many, many years and it's just this past year that all problems began (must be that 2020 thing).  But like I said, I'm done.  Here she is...she is now a trade-in.

And here's the beautiful new one that will be here in February.

This one doesn't have all the bells and whistles the 820 has...but she has everything I use.  I can't wait to be able to just sit down and sew instead of trying to sew but end up spend time on the computer to find ways fix a problem.  Maybe I'll get my sewing mojo back!!

Had to have my teeth clean on's pretty sad when you look forward to that just to have different people to talk to!

I've been working on the Fruits of Plenty every evening...and I'm getting close, just have the bottom right to finish...hoping that will happen tonight.

I finished the small January quilt that will go under my dough bowl.  I need to figure out how I'm going to quilt it since the machine I quilt with is all packed up and ready to go bye-bye.

I wasn't going to buy anymore cross stitch patterns this year...but I saw these on Flosstube and I just had to!!  It's a Bird could I resist!!!

Then this reminded me of Sharon...cuz fairies...she loved them...and it's pink...I'm weak people!

I ordered a new pair of glasses!  I got dark frames this time...we'll see how it all goes.  Then Jim and I went to the Audiologist and had our hearing aids cleaned and got new supplies to go with them.  Getting old is not for sissies!!!

Oh...I forgot something else I ordered.  I got three yards of was on sale.  I told you I'm weak!  I need to start dyeing for a couple of projects I want to do.

I think that's it.  Tomorrow is Jimmy and I will be questing.  I need him to help me kill a few unsavory characters!

I hope your days having been going well...till next time my Darlings!!

Thursday, January 7, 2021

Throwback Thursday!

 Again, not much going on around Casa de Canine.  

I've been questing...surprise!  I almost have my warrior to a level 60...I know you're all excited about that!

I've been working on the Fruits of Plenty Stitch Along.  I did change my fabric from 28 count to 40 count and I like it much better.

I was watching a Flosstube from the creator of this chart and someone had asked him what his favorite red DMC floss was.  He said #3777, which just happens to be my favorite too and it's the darker red I'm using in my piece.  Great minds, huh!!??

I finished my little snowman piece.  He was originally a door knob hanger, but I decided to make him a pouch instead so I could put cute things in branches with sparkles! ✨  I just realized...looking at it now...that I forgot to stitch his arms!!!!  He might have to stay armless.

Our first Throwback Thursday is going to be Sharon when she was just a wee thing!

The first photo is her with our Grandma Pearson and Mom.  I see a Christmas tree behind them, so I'm guessing she was almost three months old.  If anyone in this family wonders where our square faces come from...look no further!!!!

The next one is Dad with Sharon...this one is so sweet.

I understand that some of you are having trouble leaving a comment.  I changed the "who can comment" option to "anyone" instead of "users with Google accounts"...try again to leave a comment and see if it works.  Thanks!

Wednesday, January 6, 2021

Hope Springs Eternal

 Hello Again.

It's been a pretty dull around here, as usual.

Jim and I did venture out to do all our shopping on Monday.  We thought it would be less crowded and boy, were we wrong...there were so many people at every stop...Walmart was the worst...I've never seen the back up at the registers like it was that day.  We also went to JoAnn's and Michaels because I need some DMC floss.  Then Costco and Safeway...I think we're set for a while.

Yesterday was just a lazy day, dinking around the house.  Doing some cleaning, laundry, questing.  You know, the usual stuff.  I did work on a free project that I found on, it's called "Winter's Welcome" by Kim Diehl.  Hopefully I'll finish it today.

Today I've been cleaning out the Goldfinch feeders that I brought in during the Fall....don't want to rush into anything!!  I don't know why I fill these up each and every Spring when the Goldfinches return.  I have had one (1) Goldfinch.  Have I mentioned that the American Goldfinch is our state bird?  It is!!  My sweet sister, Cindy, sends me photos of her feeders loaded finches!!  I'm sure she does it to make me happy?!

So my hope must spring eternal because I keep putting the feeders out every year with their favorite food!

I have a couple of recent cross stitch finishes.  

But it's time to put the needles away and get back to quilting!  I have two precious Great grand girls who have been waiting way too long for their quilts...bad grandma!!

Well, that's it for today...I hope you are all well and staying safe!!